Berwald PVF Outright 221L

Berwald PVF Outright 221L was a $85,000 high seller in the Berwald Red Angus sale this March. His dam is our elite donor Abigrace 1110J that we are building our herd around. 


Introducing Berwald PVF Outright 221L. He was a high seller at the Berwald Red Angus bull sale today and one of the longest made bulls we have seen. We purchased him with a group of progressive breeders and are very excited to use him. We have walking rights of the bull and a semen interest on him. Semen will most likely be available, but we haven't decided for sure how it will be marketed. If you are interested, let us know. Check him out at the link below.

His registration # is 4723623

View 215L Full Details


Berwald PVF Omaha 213K


Lipton Stockmarket 215L